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GWiB’s Biz Dev Training: 2021 Goal Setting Workshop

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GWiB’s Biz Dev Training: 2021 Goal Setting Workshop

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online event via ZOOM
Link will be shared with registered participants when the time comes closer

Hello GWIB members!
I'm excited to meet you in December via zoom and learn about authentic goal setting.

The following links are personality assessments that you'll need to take before the workshop. They are the free versions, so don't feel like you have to pay for any of the extras they offer. If you know your type for any of these assessments already, then feel free to skip it & enter please the results during registration.

 1. Meyer's Briggs Type Inventory.

2. DISC Assessment

3. Personal Values Assessment

After you have taken the test, send me an email with your results:

 1. Your MBTI type (i.e. ENFJ)

2. Your DISC readout, (i.e. I'm dominant in "I" and "S")

3. Your values report results (a copy paste a paragraph from page 4: Results - "From the values you selected...)

If you don't have time to do these quizzes, that's ok! You can still attend the workshop and get a lot out of it. This information will help me facilitate the workshop, and give you insight into the "Why" of your goals.

For the zoom call, bring a notebook and paper, an open mind, and be prepared to engage with your fellow workshop participants!

GWiB’s Business Development Trainings are free for Pinnacle Journey participants and open to all GWiB Member for a $10 fee, to non-members for a $25 fee.

It might be a good time to become a GWiB member just on before singing up!


If you have questions, please contact Aleya Littleton.

November 19

GWiB’s Virtual Holiday Showcase

December 3

GWiB’s Virtual Winter Wonderland Holiday Party